Tuesday, November 20, 2012


The Wii U is Nintendo's Latest system and it is a lot like the Wii but different. The main difference Between the 2 is the Wii U's game pad which allows you to do some things on it like navigate the menu. The Wii U also has Miiverse, a place to go where other people have said thing about games and give useful tips. There are 2 sets of Wii Us that you can buy, the basic set which has 8GB of memory and cost's $300  and the deluxe set which has 32GB of memory, has Nintendo land ( a game) and cost's $350. There are tons more features on the Wii U but they cannot be contained in 1 blog post. I rate the Wii U 4 out of 5 stars. By Nick Starceski

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